Xanax- I will continue to take my Xanax which helps me get through life one day at a time!
Next up is Y!
Maz XX
Amen, great job all , I will post the full list shortly.
Who's next with Y?
Hey Cassandra, The alphabet is all done..........the X was already posted as well and the Y and Z.
We will try to come up with more positive exercises.
I like that word, the one that started with a Z. I am that way at work. I am talking to strangers all the time. I dont' know how I do it. It might have been because my grandmother and grandfather had a restaurant and I learned to be around strangers when I was young. They are just people like everybody else. Actually I find it easier than being around people that I know sometimes. But I think it is because I know that it will be a brief encounter and it will be over soon. Then you know you have to go on to the next one. lol...
Hugs, Karen