Hi CassandraLee. I know that feeling really well, as I'm sitting on the edge of the black hole myself waiting to get to the docs appt.
Do you have a crisis center anywhere near where you live? They allow you to walk in during set hours just to talk if you need to for free. Is there a crisis phone number in your book that you can call tonight?
I use the same term, "black hole" for my depressions. I've been circling it all summer. Now I feel like I'm heading straight for it, but I do have a crisis center where I can go and talk for free very close to my home. I hope you have a number that you can call tonight. Maybe even a good friend?
Hopefully someone else can pick this up and contine to provide support for you for tonight, because my fingers are really starting to hurt from all the typing I've been doing. Good luck and remember, many of us here care so very much about you! {{{{HUGS}}}}