So I just had my reversal about
17 days ago and besides the small need for laxatives and no appetite/drinking due to depression and GI flu oon top of it all seems well. Do you evem seem so scared for the future that you just cannot quite let go. Its been 17 says and my connection failed at 3-6 months last time before my ileo. I feel I have every right to be scared still and others around me just want me to jump for joy for this iracle, but inside i still feel so scared. I was in the ER with the GI flu and dehydration the last two nights....i saw my pcp today and he put me on clonipine, cymbalta, and xanax to get me though this. He said its temporary. I spoke and cried with him for an hour. He knows me better than anyone and my friends want me to see a shrink. I want to try and see if the meds works and get throught his on my own. Have any of you ever experienced this after your what should be final surgery??? Is this normal with chronic disease to change. All my friends say they want "me " back and they are worried about
me, but it takes time and just becuase i do not have a bag right now, does not mean i am ok 100% its been 17 days. Between the flu, withdrawing pain meds, and having what i would call a mere nervoud breakdown i think i just beed time. i feel awful, but my weight is stable. My doctor said just drink, the GI flu and depression give you no appetite and everyone thinks i just do not want to eat. I am trying so hard......its just so tiring.
Chronic Lifetime Constipation, Dx IBS-C for 7 yrs
Diagnosed Colonic Inertia-Oct 2007
Total Colectomy with ileorectal anastamosis- Jan 28, 2008
Ileus with suspected leak- Feb 1, 2008, ended with four abdomal abscessses and 2 drains
Diagnosed with small bowel Fistula- March 6 2008
Drains removed- End of March 2008
Continued Constipation- biofeedback for 3 mo Aug 2008, Dx Rectal Inertia (Anismus)
Admitted with Small Bowel Obstruction April 4, 2009 and emergency ileostomy 4/13
Re-admitted with abdominal abscess. Released 4/24
Cleveland Clinic twice for 3/4th referral. Anismus undetected (no medical explanation)
Retracted stoma-infection/skin breakdown.
Ileostomy Reversal- Oct 8, 2009. Ileus, Dehydration-Ongoing, but resolving 10-15