Hi Jenn,
I am sorry that your husband's improvement is going so slow. But I have a feeling that things are going to be better for you both. Try not to take things personally, this is depression getting in the way right now.
Keep working, it will do you good. You need a break from things right now. I know you wont give up on your marriage any time soon. You are the type of person to stick it out to the end. Know that this is going to take time and have patience with him if you can. Your job will help you by giving you a break. This will make you stronger and more able to deal with things.
I just rememberd that I have to go and get a couple more gifts for two little girls. Their grandmother addopted them when they were babies because their mother was into drugs. Then her husband died of colon cancer, so I make them a wreath every year and get them a little something. So I am off to the store to do a little more shopping.
I hope that you feel better and that your day gets better. Know that I am thinking of you.
Hugs, Karen