it's late again. 2.30am, slept all day again, cycling with dreams, need to speak to my qwack, will type it out. at least the house is clean!!! a lot on my mind, georgia's 3rd anniversary comes up on the 4th of december, i miss her and i love her, yeah beautiful memories, and beautiful true love, something we still share. as i said on another thread i have cried an ocean, i will be emotional, because i know that she loves me, **** this hard. especially with my lady in the here and now. i am so f'n tired!!! sometimes i want to get an oversized can
opener to
open my skull take out this diseased and mutated brain of mine, stick it in the hazard waste and stick a reco in!! yeah i'm dreamin'
if i keep on talkin' it is going to become gibberish, something i do well when i am overtired wired and sleep deprived. so i will say....see ya in the soup, hope i sleep soon, getting there, still in bombing out phase. a little p***ed off that the insomnia is bitting.
have a good one my hw family. cheers, jamie ps i have become this emoticon again!!! LOL skulls for the darned insomnia!!!!
keep fightin!!!!