I use to be like that. Had to really focus on what I was doing. Even doing dishes, had to think, washing a dish, putting it in the drain board, washing another dish, putting it in the drain board. Or else my mind was all over the place. So try to slow down and really think about what you are doing and not let your mind wander.
As for your father, well, my dear, he never really had anything nice to say to you, so maybe it is better that he isn't talking. I would be enjoying it myself. lol... Maybe he has nothing to complain about, as he was always complaining. I would take it as a good sign.
Keep sticking to your guns, especially with the wedding coming up. I had a December wedding too, really makes this time of the year special to me.
Keep on keeping on, that is the motto. And take it one day at a time. Save tomorrows worries for tomorrow. Try to do something nice for yourself too. You deserve it, you are working now, making money, doing your daughter's wedding, so save a little time for you too.
Take care, hope your day gets better.
Hugs, Karen