well i guess i should start with some info about
I am or was a happy proud mum of 3 until the 14th of september 09 ... a normal day for us my kids age 7,6 and almost 3 did as they normally do, my littlest jacob was a bit cranky so i was sending him for a sleep which was proving difficult so i walked him down to his room and very firmliy said "now go to bed " ( little did i know that was the last thing i would say to my sweet little baby) he went for his sleep and didn't wake up. It was around half an hour into his sleep
i went into his room to wake him up for a bath, when i went to wake him up he was limp and a little pale i took him straight out to the lounge room and called the ambulnce while i started cpr, all the while my other 2 kids where looking on . Maybe 5 mins later the ambulance got here and took over, at that point i knew my baby was gone, the absolute worst feeling in the world standing there unable to do anything to save my little boy. The next few weeks were pretty much a blur and i only remember little bits and peices, nothing will tke away the pain of having to bury my son, say goodbye before hs time and hold his cold little hand in mine for the very last time.
So it's been 4 months since my baby went to heaven everyday i wish it had of been me, i am so angry at everything but still trying to hold it together the best i know how for my other 2 kids. I have also found out that i am pregnant (while on the pill) something that is messing with my head even more. I don't know how to deal with all these feelings or the hurt. My husband isnt helping as he doesnt know wht to do or say , he just goes out alot. i cry every night have trouble sleeping because everythig i do hurts... i just want my baby back .