Could you resist the temptation to answer the phone when she calls you? I think it is time again to put some distance there. She got what she wanted out of the wedding and is back to her old self. She really needs some help. But that is not your job. I fear for the safety of Talhia. But you have to take care of you you know. You have to learn that when she is like that, she isn't in her own mind, but I know that it still hurts and that you care no matter what. But take care of you now. You are really doing much better and I would hate to see you slip.
What does your counselor say about all of this? What does she recommend? You need to talk to somebody and get this situation taken care of. You are going to have to be strong and ignore her at times. I know it is hard because the things she says hurts you. That is so understandable. But remember when she is like that, she isn't in her right mind.
Take care of you. Keep working your job. Set small goals for yourself and try to forget about her in your mind. I know that you love her and will never actually forget, but try to push it back so that you aren't thinking of her so much. Then it wont hurt so bad.
Talk to your counselor. Get it all out and take advantage of that. You are a wonderful person and don't deserver to be hurt in this way. So breaking ties might be the thing to do. And are you still thinking of moving out of your house? Are you still looking for another place to live? You need your space, and tranquility. You need some rest from the family.
I hope that things get better soon. Your daughter is going to continue to hurt you until she herself grows up. And I don't see that coming anytime soon. She has to learn the hard way. She will most likely get the same treatment from her daughter when she grows up. Though I think Talhia will be a lot smarter than her and not into the drugs and alcohol. She tries to hurt you so that she can blame somebody for her own actions. IF you stop letting her hurt you, then she will have to deal with this on her own and she will realize taht she is the problem, not you. So try to ignore her, I know that it is hard, but you can do it.
I hope that you feel better soon. Thank you for being so caring, I am doing a lot better now myself. So don't worry about me, but the thoughts are so much appreciated. You are a wonderful person.
Hugs, Karen