Hello old friends and some new I suppose
I went through hell this year with severe anxiety related to my depression I ended up cutting my pain medication suboxone from 16mg to 1/2 mg and feel much better. Was the suboxone the cause? Hmmm-mmm Hard to say for sure as it could be I was just "cycling" out of depression. Anyway still a little down and cry easily. Some interest in things but no passion as I once had.
Very glad to be away from anxiety as it was sheer hell. OK 3 months now.
I will be in a clinical trial at Columbia for an electric curret thing. It is a bettery charged induction thingy but far from what is known as ECT it is also not magnetic stimulation. As I get more info I'll pass it on. It takes place next month or March
The current stops short of causing an action potential (twitch or neuronal "firing") how it works is unclear much like ECT The great part is it's free and may work on my chronic pain yea!
Happy new year Jamiee Etal