Hey guys,
for the past 1.5 years i have been feeling extremely stressed and depressed. it feels like life will never change and i end up crying everyday whenever i think about this. My lips grew a huge lump in the middle of my top lip and bump on my bottom lip making it look swollen and big for an unknown reason. I tried to tell my parents but they kept saying no it's fine, but after they also admit that it's really a problem because they looked much bigger then before. We showed it to a doctor and now a dermotoligist is going to send me for a lip biopsy and im really scared. And the thing im mostly worried about is in the starting of july im going to vacation for my aunts weddding. im really scared because i want my lips to be small and get all the lumps removed before i go. im extremely depressed theres 2 months left and the appointment hasn't been set yet. Im also afraid of the lip biopsy can anyone tell me whats it like and will it be fine after i get it soon?
thanks guys