Thanks for the support you guys~
This diagnosis is a type of blood disorder that is in the category of a leukemia but so far it is not technically in that category. That is why the next few months of blood levels is so important. For now, there is no definitive diagnosis so could be anything from A to Z. I look at it this way, no need to get real excited right now if my doc seems to be ok with what we are going to do. I do trust this doc, he seems to really care.
However, it is a holiday weekend and I found out yesterday that my drivers license has been suspended because of the medical restriction that was not sent in because BMV said that I didn't need to renew until 2011. They were wrong! Now I will have a suspended license for at least 2 weeks until they receive the original signed by the doctor. I did keep all the paperwork so I have to send it out today as soon as I get off here.
Nothing like not being able to drive because someone in charge makes an error. Oh well, those who know me know that I will drive anyway if I have too.
Have a good weekend everyone.