I'm a senior in high school and have never been so stressed out in my entire life. I've struggled with depression since eight grade and was suicidal my Sophomore year, but had been fine all junior year. This year though I spend every night crying myself to sleep if I sleep at all, I hardly eat, I am losing contact with my friends and don't know what to do. My parents are divorced and living in the same house so this place is a hell hole, my grades are not where they need to be to get me into the really good schools, i'm 106 lbs and feel like i should loose 10 lbs and I've recently started to wonder if life is worth living. I just, I don't know what to do anymore. I have not had a moment to myself in weeks because I'm the president of seven clubs and am taking 20 hours of dance classes a week plus all accelerated classes in school, even with all this, i know im a failure. I'm not going to succeed in life, so whats the point? What am I supposed to do, I just want to cry all the time and in class its gotten to the point that I can hardly keep myself together.