hi gang.
just completed a self -test for bi-polar disorders.
this was done via the black dog institute. yes very
reputable, australian as well.
score 49.
22 and over are for bp-1 and bp-2. and since i have
MDD I have clear indications for bp-1 as a dx.
also foe some time now i have been rapid cycling. have
been experiencing massive hypomania, like 3 days +
and crashing between 2-3 days. i have also been rapid
cycling between the two. (daily.) have printed of the
test for my g.p/see him later today. time 4 bed, well it
was ages ago, but hypo, blew some $. stupid.
will let you know. dr. will have my s. lithium results.
and other bloods, magnesium, ck as well.