Hello and welcome to HealingWell.
Helping someone with depression can be a challenge.
Remember that your friend's depression isn't your fault or their fault. You can't cure his depression — but your support and understanding can help. You can provide support and encouragement in a number of ways.
Let your friend know that you want to understand how he feels and that you're willing to listen. Because of depression, your friend may not feel like discussing his symptoms. So when he is interested in talking, listen carefully but avoid giving advice or opinions — responses that may discourage further conversation. Try not to judge or criticize the feelings your friend expresses. Just listening and being understanding can be a powerful healing tool.
Depression can make people feel worthless. They may judge themselves harshly and find fault with everything about themselves, from their appearance to their job performance to their thoughts and feelings. You can remind your friend about his positive qualities and how much he means to you and others.
Finally be patient with him. Remind yourself that depression symptoms do improve with treatment, but it can take time. Hopefully he will see his Dr. and perhaps a new medication or therapy would help him. When you depressed it is hard to make decisions but most of us will come to realize we need help and will take that step.
Take care of yourself and keep talking with us.