i usually refrain from voting but today i have voted in the
negative. my reason is that for the past 9-12 months i
have been rapid cycling. as an anti-depressant for my
(at the time for MDD) MDD it was adequate, but since recently
being dx with bi-polar affective disorder-axis 1 it has had no
bite. i was informed by the a/professor that ant-deps are
not congruent in battling bi-polar disorders, but as a base-
line anti-dep it was working adequately. pls remember that
meds work differently on different people-and if the doc
has recommended it then he/she has reasons for doing so.
hoping this helps, and yes it very much trial and error, and
circumstance based. with compassion. jamie.
has recommended it-then i say stay the course with it. i have
been on many, many anti-deps, some more targeted to
specific forms of depression, this i feel may be happening
with this situation.