I am 21 years old. I would never see myself writing on a website in order to find someone to talk to...but i am in desperate need of the help. I dont know if you guys have a place somewhere you do one on one counceling or even refferals, but i'd appreciate the information if its availible. Anyways...I have been an emotional wreck the past couple years i guess..and im to a point where i think i need help. I do not have many friends, and the boyfriend i am with right now causes half the pain i have inside of me. I am constantly being told that i am wrong on my beliefs when we argue, i was cheated on excessivly in the past, i am having huge family troubles, my financial state is at its worst. I need someone, because i literately have no one. I feel like i have been losing my social skills over the past couple years, and do not want to stay at my home. I would be willing to stay at a local shelter but i dont know any information about this kind of thing what so ever. Today is my first day in search for help. I understand you cant fix any of this, but you would really be helping me by a response with information of a service i can contact that is not a phone line. I am looking for a place or a live one on one chat.....free if possible....and even info on a place i would be able to stay. Please help me.
Thank you.