Hi! I am new to this forum so let me first say hello to everyone. I am usually a fun and silly person but I have been depressed for some time now. I believe that it began when my father passed away 10 years ago. I have sought help, but have not had much progress. I am married and living in a place where I do not want to be. I have nothing in common with this community, (religiously or politically) and would prefer to move closer to the city and not be stuck in such a rural area. My husband will not move and he does have some valid points as to why we can't at this time, but I am miserable. He is a good man, but does not have much compassion or empathy for me. I don't want to make him look bad as he is not, but he just does not understand me. I have no real friends to speak of. I have friends but they are more like acquaintences. There is no one for me to go to just have some coffee or go to a movie. I feel so alone. I feel so isolated. I have a career that I am not happy in, and I feel like I am just existing. There is nothing that brings me joy anymore. I don't want to sound like I am a complainer as I have so many things to be thankful for and happy about
, but I just cannot get out of this funk! This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that I want to say, but I just can't get it down now. Too too much. Thank you folks for letting me vent. :)