I agree with everyone, the chat is important....
But I am so glad you posted this vent, because I have this vent in my head all the time! I always have to take care of the kids, dinner, chores, etc, whether I am in pain or not...when he's in pain, I know that it's legit, but why can't he grin and bear it like I have too?? Why does the world stop for him, but turns extra fast for me??
I, shld follow the advice of the replies, and actually have the talk, but I am a sucky communicator, just as he is, (great match, huh? lol) so I don't like confrontations, and he always tends to get defensive whenever I do bring something to his attention....
Well, I wish you luck, and I hope all gets well. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone in these feelings, as I hope you now know you are not either