I have mild depression, but many other illnesses. Pain is awful and the pain of depression is the hopelessness of never getting well. I have several problems from the gulf war and i was raped and molested as a child ( ah ha) so i have somewhat of an etiology of where my depression starts from. I am 40. about
20 years ago I not only met my husband before i remembered the childhood molestation and had the gulf war stuff. (just the rape) any how..
Do not be afraid to seek counseling. Do not be hard on yourself when you have bad days. Just get up the next dust off and start again. It took me several therapist to help me through a lot. I learned a lot of tools biofeedback, breathing techniques, but i needed more and i prayed and the right Word of God that was right for me... found me.
I still have rotten days. but they are farther apart. but i have joy in the simple things, and i no longer find that i analyze the evil that drags me down. I am new to healing well. a friend told me about
it two years ago, i am just now on ... my biggest problem is SLE (lupus) chronic pain ..the list continues.
for both of you who wrote. My thoughts are with you, sorry i wrote so much, May you have a bit more joy than sorrow, more strength than weakness, more courage than fear. With affection.
I am sorry but I had to edit your post as we are not allowed to dicuss religion on this forum. Thank you for understanding. Karen...
Post Edited By Moderator (getting by) : 3/2/2011 7:06:08 AM (GMT-7)