Im 25 and have always had a problem with depresion sinse i cant remember, I only really came to terms with it recently and decided not to deprive myself of help any longer,iv never wanted to take antydepresonts,but i thaught is i want to have drive and energy in life i have no choice.
Im on 30mg of cymbalta a month now,besides the extreme yawning all day that makes my jaw sore and tense,im starting to feel better im not having breakdowns and snapping at people like i usually am im alot more chilled and posative and am sleeping better, but i am seeing so much negative feedback about them and am afraid that after a while they'll have bad affects, and i really dont want to put weight on, specially because of my self asteem issues i cudnt handle that cus not so long ago i succeeded in losing over a stone. Has anybody had good experience on these to share? and if i was gonna get bad side affects would they have appeard already