i just really need someone to talk to as i feel like im crying out for help.
ive come on here as i have no honest clue what to do anymore. ive got to the point
where i couldnt care less if i , and im still young. nobody understands, i think they
all think its just a phase, but its really not.. i have a few problems that are taking over
my life. im not an alcoholic but i do drink alot, i didnt drink as much up until this year
as i didnt need to but then i started to turn to it thinking if i get drunk ill forget
everything for just a couple of hours but i just end up getting myself in more trouble.
theres this boy i love so so much, and i honestly have no clue what to do anymore, he is
just under three years older than me and he's seventeen, and i probably sound like such a
drama queen but i mean this, id do anything for him, if it meant i could be with him now id
quite happily spend the rest of my life with him. but he doesnt want to be with me because
of two reasons = drinking and age. it hurts so much because i dont talk to him as often as
we should speak, and he used to like me but then got back with his ex, and once he came out
of their relationship he told me he had started to develop feelings for me again and its been
on/off for six months now and he doesnt like me anywhere near as much as i like him. he
has recently started working at my youth club and i think tomorrow im just going to tell him
everything he knows that i like him very much etc as its been complicated buuut im so nervous
and he doesnt know how much, he used to have depression and since seeing a councillor theyve
said he has an adults head now and wants to be in a comitted relationship. im so stuck on
what to do.
another problem is my family, i just dont see them anymore and i feel so bad, i can always
sense when something bad is going to happen and i can sense that it will soon, whether
its to do with me or my family..i dont know but i find it so hard to spend time with them
as i just dont enjoy their company and it sounds so bad but my friends are more fun in a
different way. i can just sit alone and cry for hours over and over about this sort of thing,
i dont know what to do, who to turn to, and recently i have been in a fairly secret
place, and its not the right way to go but i feel pleased with myself for not showing
others how im really feeling and i always put on a happy face but im dieing inside..
i just really need someone who is good with advice to help me or someone who has been
through the same thing.
Post Edited By Moderator (getting by) : 5/16/2011 5:00:01 PM (GMT-6)