How Do I?
Get over my past? - 0.0% - 0 votes
Stop being Nsecure - 0.0% - 0 votes
Learn how2 start trusting again - 0.0% - 0 votes
Comfront my problem&emotion - 100.0% - 1 votes
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Posted 7/14/2011 3:13 PM (GMT 0)
In of need relief
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Posted 7/14/2011 3:21 PM (GMT 0)
New here seeking help
getting by
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Posted 7/14/2011 3:26 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Lacy24,
Would you like to tell us some more about your situation? It would help greatly for us to be able to give you some advice. Are you seeing a doc? Do you go to therapy? It really helps a lot of us. Just tell us a little more and we will try to help you. Take life one day at a time. That is my best approach.
Hugs, Karen
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Posted 7/14/2011 5:33 PM (GMT 0)
Hello Karen,
Well i was abused by my father at the ages 13-17 and when I came forth to tell my mother her reaction wasnts what i exspected, I am not seeking help of any kind.Needless to say i have thought about it but never tooking that step. I'm in a relationship with2small children involved and its starting to take effect on my life,im afraid that I can't leave my children alone w/their father because of it, sometime it bother me somuch to the fact that i shut myself off from the outside world because the pain of being let down,broken hearted,lied to and decieved get the best of me and when i'm ask if something wrong i'm screaming on the inside but nathing but a lie comes out an says "no i'm fine" denial, its a problem for me.
getting by
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Posted 7/14/2011 6:29 PM (GMT 0)
I am sorry for the past abuse from your father. Things like that should never happen. Do you think that this is effecting you now? Maybe that is where you should start. Maybe see a therapist and go back and resolve these issues. How did your mom react when you told her about it? Not having support at a young age when you need it from your parents takes a toll on us. It can make you feel very insecure, because these are the people that you look to for help and reassurance.
Why is it that you don't leave your children alone with their father? Are the two of you together now? Is it that he has mental health issues? Do you feel the children aren't safe with him alone? This has got me very concerned about your situation. Do tell us more about what is going on at the present time.
Raising two kids in itself is hard, but if you have other issues going on it is that much harder. Maybe you could use a small break. Do they go to day care or anything like that? How old are they?
The kid's father might not realize that he has issues. I hope that you can explain a little more so we know what is going on and maybe we can give you some advice.
Take care, keep posting.
Hugs, Karen
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Posted 7/14/2011 7:04 PM (GMT 0)
Yes it's affecting me alot right now, and i no it's going to take more just me to solve my problem. As for my mother her reaction where she seem as if she knew already but confused&shocked but maybe she was afraid because he abuse her also,at the same time she didnt do anything about it and remained in a relationship by that time i had graduated and moved out she never spoke of it until this day and she walks around like it's okay and i spoke on it once with a person i found comfort in and her founding out she responding that i should stop saying that before it gets out. I'm very insecure and have trust issue.
He does not have issue it's me afraid that my children would be mistreatd while not in my care because of my trust issue he's a wonderful father but thought never leave my mind that it could happen because it happen to me right in the only place i called home.
Yes we are still together have been for 3yrs now we have a 4yr old son and a 7month old daughter he has told me that he feels like i neglect him in our relationship at time because i get into a state of depression or let my problem overcrowd my mind until it takes a heavy toll on me. I'm a stay at home mom and i tried to have time off to mysel but it's then when i'm heavily attack with the crying and random thoughts.
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Posted 7/14/2011 7:19 PM (GMT 0)
I'm so afraid that if i don't get help or some sort of support i might lose him,and become more depressed and i need to be strong for my kids. We have had conversation but he does'nt understand it's not easy to just let go, he says that only the weak lets the past keep them down and i no he can't possibly no what i feel because he didnt indure the pain or the slightess idea of whats going on in myhead.The fact that he's not sensitive to my concern,fears and thoughts does not help my problem. I feel i have nowhere to turn.
getting by
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Posted 7/14/2011 8:33 PM (GMT 0)
Find a counselor. You could be suffering from ptsd from the past abuse. It is definately effecting you. Don't worry about what he thinks, take care of you. I know that you feel like you are neglecting him, but you aren't. You are more likely to be neglecting you. You really have to take care of this issue, so that you can move on. I do understand your insecurities about your kids being in the care of somebody else. You want to protect them from any harm. I bet that they are so cute at the ages that they are at. You are lucky to have them. And they are lucky to have you for a mom.
So think about counseling. If money is an issue, they often work on a sliding scale and you can get to see somebody for a very low price. I am hoping that isn't an issue for you. But you really need to heal hon. And I want to see that happen. If you don't know how to go about it, talk to your doctor and maybe get a referral.
I don't like that you said that he said " only the weak lets the past keep them down". That isn't true. Everybody who has suffered trauma in the past like you have has to go through a healing process. And because your mother didn't protect you, you have a double whammy. Real trust issues because you didn't have anybody to trust back then, how can you be expected to trust now? I truly understand what you are going through. Give yourself a break. Take a few deep breaths, and know that you are going to get better and feel better soon. You just have to get on a path and follow it.
We are here for you.
Hugs, Karen
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Posted 7/15/2011 12:28 AM (GMT 0)
Hello, I'm Serenitee. I agree with everything getting by has said. I thought I would also say that by you taking care of yourself first and foremost then the other relationships should fall easier into place.
Wishing you all the best.
Your Healingwell Friend,