Hi guys,
I'm new here and first of all I completely appreciate that I dont have depression and that there are far more deserving posts of your attention, so thanks for looking!
In the last year I lost my job (but got a better one soon after), moved back to the city I grew up and my 4 year relationship fell apart. Now most people think although they were tough times, I've been 'brave' etc and come out 'better off' the other end. However, I cry quite a lot. I wouldnt say I'm outwardly unhappy and I'm not introverted etc (I still go out and enjoy myself etc) but I have a strong underlying dissatisfaction with my life that I cant shake off. I think it might be missing having a partner and maybe its just that I'm still healing, but I'm worried if I dont do something it might end up getting worse and becoming clinical.
Any advice you can share is very much appreciated :)