my best friend in high school, we are no longer friends but thats unrelated, contacted herpes in high school because her partner did not tell her he had it and she was angry. i understand why to, he should have at least told her so she could make that decision if she wanted to risk it. it is not fair to the other person to not tell them you have an incurable std. i dont blame the guy for being angry and wouldnt be surprised if he never speaks to you again. granted we all make mistakes and im hoping that you learn from this mistake. with all the new medical knowledge around there are ways to have sex and not pass it through but your partner still has a right to know. and in all honesty if you are not mature enough to make the decision to tell any partner about
your std then you are not mature enough for sex. im assuming you are still in high school and if that is the case than you need to worry more about
finishing high school t han about
sex. get counseling, take a class on stds and sex and then you need to make sure you are protecting yourself and any partner you sleep with. im sorry if i am sounding so mean but you do need to realize there are consequences to your actions. i am teaching my 8 year old about
responsibilities and you need to realize you have a responsibility to any of your sexual partners to tell t hem.