Hello Everyone:
My daughter told me about this website...she is 17yrs old and she considers this website as part of her family and she is always telling me to go on and be a part of the depression part of the website. Right now I am trying to regroup. My main problem I would say is my finances. I have so many bills and not enough money. 3 yrs ago, my job ended because the owner of the company died and I found a job that I love but it paid 12,000.00 LESS. The 3 yrs I have worked with the company, no raise, cut my hours and cut my pay. Now I recieve assistance for food. My daughter just had major surgery this month, My ex husband is 30,000.00 behind in child support, my house is cluttered..the more I type the worst I feel. I will just take it a day at a time. Thanks for listening to me vent.