The bacteria h-pylori can cause acid reflux and gastritis. Did your dr. do a test for this? Just be aware that the tests for this aren't very reliable, as I've heard of several stories of false negatives - people treated themselves for h pylori and they were cured despite the test results.
But don't worry about
all that. My point is, it could be caused by h-pylori which you can treat naturally. Read online about
natural treatments for it such as monolaurin, wild oil of oregano, to name just a couple. You would also want to be on a strict diet - you don't have any trouble there. ;0) (I hope you don't mind the nudge, Just trying to get a chuckle in the midst of the hardship you're facing :0)
So diet is: no sugar or caffeine, lots of veggies and low carbohydrate foods. Basically, from what I read online if you follow a candida diet for two months, while taking a natural supplement that kills h pylori, it should be gone and also the symptoms if thsi is what is the cause of the reflux.
I have had gastritis symptoms which is no fun at all! And a holistic test found h pylori (even though the medical test was negative). I am doing a lot better now after doing some of the above. Also nux vomica was very helpful. It is more so related to issues with the digestion itself like ibs, so I don't know if it would be helpful in your situation or not. Have you thought about
seeing a homeopath? Nux vomica is a homeopathic treatment.
A homeopath or a naturopath may be able to help you. I have found them much more helpful than medical dr.'s for most everything so far on my own journey of health recovery.
Don't give up. There are answers. Do you own research online. Google acid reflux natural treatments and see what you find. Ask at your local natural health store what they have to help.
I understand how hard it is to be on a limited diet and how left out it makes you feel. I almost always eat before I go to outings because I am on a very strict diet in order to combat the pain and fatigue of fibro. and my tendency toward a recurring sinus infection I've been fighting for several years. It is by choice, but if I don't do it I feel crappy. So yep, it is hard, but if you make the diet healthy, then you can begin to see the blessing in it rather than only the isolation.
Do you have a juicer? You could get a Hamilton Beach juicer at a drug store for cheap. Read on juicing. You'll be healthier and feel better. And certain veggie juices are healing for acid reflux, such as cabbage juice.
Take care. Don't ever stop believing there is hope and help. Most often it's just a question of hanging in there until the answers come.
P.S. It is normal to feel grief, and cry and have different feelings coming up with what you are going through. It would be hard not to feel depressed. So within all that the challenge and goal I think is that as much as you can, don't allow yourself to lose hope. Keep believing for things to improve. There's no reason not to imo.
Post Edited (manyembers) : 11/23/2011 9:30:33 PM (GMT-7)