BonnieSean said...
Hello Blue Pixie,
I understand what you're going through...I, myself, unlike some of the others on here was very uniformed of the sertraline weight gain havoc. I had been taking 100mg for almost three years when I quit cold turkey about two weeks ago. Oh my god...the withdrawal coupled with my pms symptoms has been down right atrocious!!! And yet the guilt has me feeling sorry for not only myself, but for my loved ones, who have had to endure my wrath...I quit taking the medication unaware of the withdrawal period, because I knew I'd been wanting to quit for some time now anyway...The bottle was empty, so I just didn't refill it. The weight gain has by far been the most absolutely frustrating side-effect!!! I started going to the gym over two years ago doing rigorous work-outs with weights and cardio and reducing my calories on a consistent schedule. My husband and I teamed up together and it has been devastating to see his wonderful success and payoff and my results yielded maybe a one to two pound loss with almost always a two to four pound gain the following week. This has been going on for months and for the longest I could not wrap my head around it. I was only 35 and a mother of two (ages 4 and 2) when I started zoloft for increased anxiety. I quickly went from 50mg to 100mg and have been on that dose practically the whole time. I weighed only 114 when I started. I'm only 5'2" so this is about right. I now weigh 136 and climbing!!! My endocrinologist (my thyroid Dr) even gave me some Phentermine to help with the weight loss to no avail!!! I am out of options and solutions and am anxiously waiting to see some positive weight loss!!! 22 pounds is wayyy too much and it makes me hate myself. I would rather be skinny, a little anxious/depressed, and still want SEX, than to be Fat, Depressed/Anxious and absolutely no libido and just plain Hopeless. I seriously need to hear more success stories of weight loss after stopping this medication...
HAVE U LOST THE WEIGHT SINCE THIS POST?? PLS SAY YOU ARE A SUCCESS STORY?? because I'm going through the same thing right now and I'm absolutely freaking out.