Hey all, hope you had a good easter weekend.
I filed this under depression, but I guess its sort of just a general vent including all my issues. I've been becoming more and more depressed lately, as well as having more anxiety and pain. My home environment hasn't been too great either, but mostly I think I am just so tired of my life and everything going on in it.
I have a lot of anger towards my dad. I live with him and he provides for me, but he's getting older and is becoming increasingly aloof and just out of touch. There's just so much he does that makes no sense, or is selfish and hateful, and there are so many things he doesn't do. He has skin cancer and keeps canceling his appointments. He has COPD, asthma, and emphysema, but is still smoking more than ever. (My mother died of lung cancer due to smoking in 2007.) He's severely depressed and talks about
dying all the time, and stuff. He can't hear, like at all, and gets mad because he mishears things and thinks people are talking about
him—but he won't get a hearing aide. He hasn't worn prescript
ion glasses in 3 years, and he drives every day and has rear-ended people 4 times in a month...and he won't get glasses.
I just feel like I hate him so much today. I know, intellectually, that he cares about
me and tries to do his best on certain things..and that he is just very sick. Yet, at the same time, I am just so tired of him...of having to rely upon him...of living with him. I just have this hatred and anger in me. Usually, he does something to trigger these feelings in me...but today, combined with all my other problems, I am just feeling this unprovoked to an extent. I feel like I'm going to die almost, or that I want to if things don't change—not suicidal, just tired of this situation. The anger I feel, and frustration, and things...I just can't take all this. I just want out.
I also miss my mom more than usual lately, which is probably related to how I am feeling about
my dad lately. I had a dream about
her again, and it felt kind of good until I woke up. I just wish she was here to help me, so I wouldn't have to deal with this alone...or that she was alive instead of my dad. I just wish things were different, that I was different, that the situation was different, that my dad was healthy or whatever. I'm just so tired. Tired of hurting physically, too. Just tired and frustrated and tired.