No Worries. I suppose the point would be is to keep you monster at bay and to take some of the stress off your self.
So don't wear the watch, I don't, I have no need to track time now most day. HOWEVER! I can not let the 4 members of my family that abused me for 17 years win.
So I shower at least 6 out of 7 days. I get my self to church at least once a month. I read a devotional. I attend a free support group in my area. Reserach this NW drepression groups are all over the nation. You don't have shave, just trim it.
Adjust, the best you can. Look up DBT and CBT skills on the internet and practice them. Try VERY hard to turn some of that energy you have burning in anger to helping you cope. Read about mindfulness it can be done. While walking, eating
drink water, washing hands, etc.. the littlest things.
I still have very dark days, but I push myself get up and act the human being I am and refuse to let the ******s and *****s win!
If you are breathing you have fight left. And by the way, Karen is right.