Posted 5/20/2012 5:05 AM (GMT 0)
Kitt, thanks for answering my post.
I will never take pills that aren't for me again. ;p I just want to say that some things that really make me happy when I am depressed is: Buying music on itunes, and then transporting the music to my ipod.
Then exercise with the music I buy: jogging in the beautiful trails, lifting weights, loud or relaxing music in the car, a relationship with the Lord. Trusting in God and giving thanks daily for all the little and big blessings I have and experience. I am so thankful for nature, wind, water, sun, heat, cold, rain, thunder, beautiful birds, people, laughter, and more + but to make a long expression short
I love mockingbirds! And today out of all days, when I was walking towards the church healing rooms today, for the first time! ;) I was by myself too! I was sooo happy because I heard like 3 or 4 mockingbirds singing all their beautiful songs. I felt like they were welcoming me ;p ^_^ It made me soo happy. The reason too is that, I was in the ER waiting room yesterday and two girls where beside me talkin all of a sudden one started talking about girl said, "I really believe that when I get to heaven, by house will have all kinds of bears" ;) and I commented, "Wow, you know, I've never thougth about that!" "But, now that you are talking about it, I can see that I will have all sorts of birds, especially mockingbirds, and cats! ;D
And then today...the small but yet the mysterious big blessings of life...Mockingbirds ♪♫ I felt like God truly does hear me. He loves me, and wants me to be healed, and wants alll of us to be happy.
I believe that when we focus on love, healing, forgiveness, peace, hope, and genuine giving, or even helping in any gives joy and happiness to oneself and to others.
And makes our Heavenly Father Glad