hi newby
Im going to be quite harsh and say,, You need to get over the past! I too was treated bad by teeneager as a teen and it contributed largly to my depression
BUTTTT.. you were never the one with the problem! they were, you never hurt people made fun of them bullied or discraced so what guilt can you hold, NONE!
Imagine being the person who hurt many people/kids over the years, imagine how that guilt has molded them, probebly a really pathetic person/people now ay! probebly seing just as many shinks
You can hold on to that 13yr old who you looked in on from outer space going through all that stuff or you can let go and say well it was me but it wassnt, you prob used an escapism anyway, which meant you are strong to have got through it! very very strong to have got past age 20! so stop dwelling stop looking back and think
there are still plenty of years left so im going to use them see them as me and oln me, no one can control you you are an adult and can defend and decide for yourself
i have dwelled i the years but now i have a big pin board in my room where each day i have been writing, I am aloud to be happy, I am okay, i am in control, i can say i dont care! i can do! all positves words that cost nothing to see or say and guess what even do!
try dont waist your life as its u that has control no one else!!
all my love xx