I've checked out some of the posts here about
meds, and did find that my problem of weight gain isn't just me. :) But there's another side effect, I guess, that I haven't found mentioned and I was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience as I have. Through the years I've tried Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Paxil and they worked well for a while, given the usual dosage increases as time went on, but after a while things got strange. I've dealt with my depression for almost 20 years now, most of that time without meds so I've gotten to know how it cycles. Normally it's very predictable, not always controllable, but at least I know that if I start doing or feeling ABC, then DEF, etc. will be next. But while on meds that stops being true. I've found that after being on meds for at least a year my depression starts getting very unpredictable and becomes as bad as if not worse than before meds. Increasing dosages or switching leads only to temporary fixes. The Zoloft did lead to a very scary episode and a suicide attempt that I still barely remember thinking of or planning. I'm currently on Paxil and have noticed that my depression has gotten bad again over the last 6 months. A month ago I discussed this with my doc, including a feeling of feeling medicated for the first time since being on meds this round and tried to talk about
reducing my doses and coming off Paxil. Instead she upped my dose pretty heftily. So I am currently weaning myself off, slowly, because I'm scared of how things are going.
Has anyone else gone through this? Have you found ways around it - different meds, going off meds for a while before starting again, etc? I'd like to have other options to suggest to my doc the next time I see her. Since this isn't an official side effect listed on any med sites I thought I'd try here.