Good morning ... another late one!
It seems that Gizzy is getting new habits ... and at least one of them is good! Two mornings in a row now that he hasn't started howling at me (to get me up) at around 5am. Instead ... I felt him jump up to lay down next to my legs when it was just getting light outside - with no howl ... Good Boy!!!!!
He didn't start his howling thing until about 6:15am ... much better ... and then just briefly until I got him his water. Then, as usual, we hit the road around 7:20am. We saw those two huge white Great Pyranees again - and he did his howl ... and they just ignored him!!! Hmmm - never thought a Great Pyranees would be "stuck-up"!!!
On the way back from the coffee pick-up, we saw them again ... and not one peep out of Giz! He looked at them - but not a word (doggy word that is)! Oh well, if only Ceaser was here ... maybe he could do a little dog psychology!!!
My new meds (from the past 4+ weeks now) are really wiping me out - tired all of the time. It is good that Giz let me sleep just a little longer this morning (no joking on that one).
It's somewhat sunny out this morning and 65 degrees, but the sky out west looks ominous ... sure looks like rain sometime later.
Have a great day .. to all!