To NiceCupOfTea ...
I have been to three different psycologists/counselors for three different issues and at different timeframes ... all in the past 18-years.
I notice you separate a psychologist from a counselor. I probably would (or have) too ... but what would it be based on? In my case ... results!!!!! But, coincidentally, education also had something to do with my comparisons.
My first Psycologist was a female with a doctorates degree in psycology. I had hidden guilt, that was placed upon me as I was growing up - and I wasn't even aware of it at the time I went to see this Doctor. I went to see her mostly because of depression - and many things going wrong in my life at the time - and the loss of my Father. She "dug" into my current issues and past life situations.
I got to trust her so much, nothing couldn't be talked about! I think ... that's maybe what you want in a psycologist - the ability to trust him or her ... totally!!! And that's just the starting point!
I went to see mine for many months weekly, then several months bi-weekly and then for a few months - monthly. I can't explain how many good things came of that.
My third Psycologist is a male with a doctorates degree in psycology. I have only seen him twice so far - both thimes last year. I need to see him again. His field of expertise is handling terminal patients - but he is very good otherwise - as well.
The second psycologist was a female with a masters degree - and she was called a counselor by title. Now - there's nothing shabby about a masters degree ... but this lady was just not as good as either of the other two. So .... simply .... some aren't so good!
I think ... if you give a psycologist some time ... and you still honestly don't think that person is doing anything for you - find another one! It's far too important not to!!!
I think the best thing a psychologist can do for you is to guide you thru some of the difficulties you're having. I think, in time, you can convince yourself you have a future. You just need a little guidance.
Oh, by the way ..... you haven't failed at all ... at posting on this site - and I'm sure, many other things!