Hi Karen .....
It's great that Jazzy is better ... so depressing when our four-legged friends are having a problem. Gizzy was SO depend upon me last night because of the distant lightning ... a big lightning show in fact for a couple of hours. It's funny how he needs to cuddle up so bad when there's lightning and when there isn't ... he usually can be found laying down at either the front or the rear doors. Both are not close to me and my sofa at TV time - unless he's hungry. Then, believe it or not, he's starting to bring his s.s. bowl to me at the sofa. Yep ... he's trying to lay a guilt complex on me!!!!!
Hi Mags .......
First, COPD can be a very manageable disease. It can't be cured, because the damage to the lungs is permanent ... but there are several things that do help at lot.
Probably no surprise is the most important thing you can do for it is ... to stop smoking. It works ... it really works!!!! I started a pulmonary excercise class three years ago, and their first requirement was ... you have one week to stop smoking! Then the excercise sessions were under the supervision of about 3 or 4 RN's with a class size of about 20 people.
The blood oxygen level is most important, so it was checked at least 3 or 4 times during the 80-minute sessions. Personally, I stopped them a year ago, but I made the decision to re-start (hopefully October 1) the excrcise sessions.
I know very well the so-called trade-offs ...... you gain weight when you stop smoking. But, that doesn't have to happen. An excercise program can help that a lot.
For medication ........ the albuterol is supposed to be used as a "rescue inhaler" or not on a regular basis for a long period of time. It is great stuff and it's reasonable in cost. If you have COPD, you will likely be put on a different inhaler for daily use.
The Advair or the Spiriva are somewhat different - and I was on both for several years. Both are expensive ... but should be partly covered with insurance. The Advair, taken twice a day, does have a steroid and the Spiriva, taken once a day, does not. When I went on Prednisone (a steroid) for part of a cancer treatment, I was able to get off the Advair. It worked very nicely.
I used to have deep chest congestion. The meds completely solved it and without side effects (except the cost)! I used to wheez at times - never do any more. Much of that is due to my stopping the smoking!
I have been there. To stop smoking is a b*tch ......!!!! My Primary Doctor gave me a low cost prescription med that helped and I also went on the patch for about two months. There is a well advertised medication for stopping smoking that ends with "tix" ........ don't use it! My doctor refused to prescribe it. It makes you nuts ....... it plays with your head ...... stay away from it!
I hope I have given some words of encouragement. I stopped cigarettes about 12-years ago right after a failed relationship - but that's another story!!!!!
But I started smoking cigars instead ... and I enhaled them for nearly ten years. They nearly destroyed me!
I think you said your husband smokes too. Please ... try for both of you to do this together. Some day, when you have grandkids, you'll be very glad you did.
No excuses Mags ....
Talk to you soon Karen .........