Hi guys,
This is my first post. I am reaching out because I really need to hear from someone to know I am not going through this alone. I have been depressed since I was 15, coping without meds and dealing well.. until about a year ago. All of a sudden I got hit like a brick with anxiety and depression. I was at the point of having panic attacks daily. My doctor put me on cipralex 10mg which worked for a while.. but killed my sex drive. and eventually I felt like it wasnt working.. so he put me on wellbutrin 100mg as well. Im just wondering..
How do i get my sex drive back?
Will I ever feel alive again.. I just feel like I am not myself and cant seem to beat this.
Is there any tools or books that help with anxiety and depression you can suggest?
Im seeing a psychiatrist for the first time next week..hopefully it goes well. Anyways sorry for all the questions in one post but I thought it would be easier!