I have been off and on meds for 5 years and i have yet to find one that has worked perfect for me. Effexor seemed to work for a while but made me feel like a zombie. Paxil worked for a while too but if pooped out and i gained a lot of weight on that one. I was on Lexapro for a while and i felt so alive while taking it. The only problem is I was gaining weight no matter what i did to try to loose it. I asked the Dr. if he would add wellbutrin to it to see if that would help me loose some of the weight that Lex. had put on but he would not. Well I then decided to take myself off of it and i have been off of for about
6-7 weeks. For the first month, i was doing fine without it and then all of a sudden my depression and anxiety have returned full force. I had to go to my OB/GYn the other day and i was in there crying and told him what was going on and he prescribed Wellbutrin to me. Well here i am feeling like crap, i have read so many post about
Wellbutrin that it is Not for people with anxiety. I feel like my insides are falling apart and I could not sleep last night. SUCKS
I just wanted your opinon on this: Should i start taking Lexapro again and stop taking the Wellbutrin(only been on that one for 3 days). Lexapro worked well for me, my energy was up, my depression was controlled, my anxiety was managable , the only problem is the weight gain. But I figure I have got 3 girls to raise (one about
to enter kindergarden, one in 4th and one about
to enter highschool, and i am about
to start a new job, so you can see why i am stressingl), that need me to be stable. Thank you for listening to me..please feel free to share your story...feel so alone in this. :
P.S. has anyone had sucess taking Lex and Well for weight loss?
Post Edited By Moderator (CheerDad (Randy)) : 7/22/2005 10:29:52 AM (GMT-6)