Posted 12/3/2013 11:36 PM (GMT 0)
Celexa, zoloft and lexapro are all SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). If those 3 have not worked for I would stay away from that class of meds. Cymbalta is a SNRI (N=norepinehrine) so it may be that SNRI's work better for you. I suggest considering meds in that class. I suggest you ask about Effexor (not sure about cost), prystiq, or perhaps wellbutrin, which doesn't fit in that class but often work for people who do not respond to SSRIs. (I am not a Dr but am a RN- almost a NP and have also tried several ADs myself!)
The best thing is to have an open conversation with your Dr and make sure they hear what you have to say and don't throw another prescription at you without hearing what you have to say!