Hi All
I have previously posted in the Anxiety forum, but I am really confused about WHAT I am suffering with. Are anxiety and depression linked?
Can anyone familiarise with how I am feeling? Its like this:
Some days I feel fine.
Some days I feel like I should just end my life as I am noi use to anyone, have no energy, have no thirst for life, feel that life is wated on me and I am not wirthy of it, feel unloved and unwanted - nothing but a burden.
Other days I am sonewhere in between, not happy, but no on the brink either, just purely existing. But feeling ok.
I would say that its about a cycle, for example. Maybe I have a couple of each days each week. I never know what day it will be tomorrow and I have no control over it.
On my worst days I get so low. I cry all day and my thoughts are SO deep......do you know what I mean by that? Its like I sit and think so deeply that everything looks black and my stomache drops out. Like Im so hollow and worthless. Its actually a physical pain.
How can I have such awful days, and other days that are fine?
I also suffer anxiety type pains, with days that I am shakey, fuzzy headed, and really nervous inside. Like I have fizz in my tummy and im going to explode.
Can anyone sympathise? Do you know what I am feeling? Please post some replies for me to read. I am really low and worrying that things w2ill always be like this. I am only 29 and dont want to feel like this. I want to be happy and enjoy my life.
Vikki xxxxx