I have been on SAM-e for about
3 years and depression free. After being depressed for 40 years, the SAM-e was a Godsend.
about a week ago, I started to have minor chest pains and went in to have an EKG, cholesterol and other tests done. They said everything looked good, but I have to go in and have a stress test. I felt anxious about money (lack of it) and then I started to have anxiety attacks because my mind could not shut off the "what if" talk. I am starting to feel better about money situation, but the anxiety remains, where I get lightheaded and tight chest. I am also started to feel depressed like I did before SAM-e. Especially in the mornings when I first wake up and on the weekends. I see people playing tennis, and know that I really need to get involved, get a life, volunteer, etc..I know that would make me feel better. I am starting to feel lonely again as well. I have not felt this way since being on SAM-e. I may have to go from 400 to 600 mg a day. I don't want to go on chemical antidepressants because I tried almost all of them with horrible side effects and Lexapro gave me permanent Tinnitus (ringing in the ears). I am not quite sure what to do. I just don't feel right and know I need to do something. I have a Doctors appointment on Monday. Thanks for listening. Has anyone been on meds (natural or chemical) that just stopped working after a few years?