Hello Jimmy .....
You have said a lot in your post for a proclaimed introvert. You've also accepted the responsibility for your actions and maybe mistakes ... and not used the very convenient "my parents did it to me"! Hey man ... you deserve some congratulations!
I assume when you said 26oz a day - you were talking about 80+ proof stuff! There is your starting point. You have to start with an abrupt change in the alcohol. Is it that you believe you are an alchoholic, did someone you repsect tell you that or was it a doctor who told you?
You could very well be .... and if so, you need a serious redirection and professional help.
I said "if you believe", because i once believed that for years myself. I ran my own small business and thought "maybe i am a functional alcoholic"! It certainly put my depression (from a divorce and death of close family) into deeper depression. I rarely consummed hard alcohol, but I would tyically go thru a case of Miller Lite every 4 to 5-days - just to get a little light-headed most nights!
Somehow ... when i stopped smoking 3-1/2 years ago, my taste for booze reversed to almost nothing. My need for booze just stopped. I surprised myself. Now, I am a legitimate "social drinker" and average 2 to 3-drinks a month!
At some point, I think you may want to bring your parents into the discussion. I think you should start taking the actions yourself with either a doctor or AA. I also think it would prove a great deal about you to your parents (and others) by taking that first step on your on.
A therapist would be good to start with early too - and perhaps your parents would really want to help you financially with that - once they've seen you reach out yourself for the alcohol problem on your own.
I would however try first a "talk psychologist" rather than a psychiatrist.
I'll leave the weed alone and the bad business alone. Sometimes a bad business experience can be a great teacher or learning experience. One thing for certain ... starting and running even a very small business can create tons of problems. You need a sound mind (no binges) to deal with those little problems. Yep .... focus first on the booze!!!!
Peace and wellness
Rob & Gizmo