seen the cardiologist today. my sis drove me into town. amazingly we got some good karma and got a park right out front. i gave her some coins for the parking meter and went up. short wait, went in. gave a nice hand-shake and smile, it goes a long way. he tested my lungs, front and back, i forgot to take my medical stuff with me but i was able to tell him wait he needed. my chest and air-ways clear. he was amazed that my carbom momoxide levels were just under 1 as well. i felt proud. i told him i am going on the big bird o/s in july, he said that was fine, and i asked if he could advise mr gp of this. he wants to see my bloods and sugars, cholesterol and a echo of my heart before i go. my sugars have been up ately, need to work on them.
tomorrow is my last session in the cardio . physio program. i will recieve a certificate. i feel good that i have pushed and completed the program. so more walking is required. will do. i informed the cardiologist of my dire circumstances whilst i was in hospital. the cardiologist has changed some meds and decreased some. i have been to my pharmacist as well today to pick up the very expensive nocturia drug. i am due to take one soon, do afternoon meds / sugars, etc.
so soon i can focus on my trip. yay. lots to do. been cold and windy here. boo, a fair bit of rain as well. autumn came and went rather quickly. well things to do. you know it never ends does it!!
ps. my dear neighbour is really having masive pain with all of her bones. she has bursitis, osteo arthritis, bung kness and gnarled hands, disjointed bits and mega stuff going on with her back. i said i don't think buttons can stay with you this time, you are hardly wakjing tour own fur-balls. i have teed it up with mum just in case irene is too sore, she said she will get back to me before i go. buttons gets on real well with irene, loves her and her 2 muts as well!!!
i am going for a rest. see ya soon my hw ground patrol sniper company. watch the hills, they have eyes. keep each others back.