Hey AJ ......
Your three questions would be hard for any doctor to answer.
It is assummed you are wealthy if you can either "take or leave" work!
If so, find a very good talk psychologist. They can be incredibly helpful
and help to bring answers that a primary or GP cannot!
For your questions:
1) How much time it takes to be normal ... cannot even be answered by a doctor. It will take patience - and it may take trying several different meds as well.
2) Going on vacation would typically help diverting attention away from a potential crisis. But, when you get back, the potential crisis may very well come back even worse - because you didn't deal with it in the first place. Here again, a talk psychologist would likely help more than a vacation.
3) This question has no meaning unless you are wealthy.
We all have nasty things to deal with in life. I've had lousy and back-stabbing bosses - but I survived them. I have had to see three different talk psychologists - at three different times in my life. Two of them were very helpful and one was not.
I have been lucky to find that my first anti-depressant tried has worked for me. But I've also been unlucky enough that 6-different cancer meds have not worked for me so far.
By the way, when I was working, I was very big on planning my day. However, that didn't mean planning my day of only the things I wanted to do. I had to include the things I didn't want to do also. It's just a part of life.
Wishing you well
Rob & Gizmo