Hello Myself ......
It's time to admit that for 22+ years, my little business was the most important thing in my life. It is what I lived for. For much of that time, I had the typical joint parenting with my youngest - and for just a few years with my oldest.
Both of my kids have seriously good work aspirations - thanks to their mother and to me both. Now ... back to business.
I was lucky enough to do daily what i loved to do. As a one-person office of architecture, I never worked on any famous projects - but what i did daily, was to bring me to the table with a client - to review the needs (and every project was different) of that client. Then - to come up with a solution that "had to" usually satisfy the wife and the husband. It was a challenge I loved and was good at.
Three hundred clients later, I was hospitalized for 14-days. During that time, I realized my business was over. Besides the horrible economy, that was annually chipping away at my needed cash flow for several years, it became apparent to me that I could no longer physically handle all of the stress and long hours.
That was about 3-1/2 years ago. I still think about my former business often. I searched for most of those 3-1/2 years for something that would give me a sense of accomplishment.
I tried hobbies that were on the back-burner for decades. There was some fun, but none of those hobbies could fill the hole left from my business - and one hobby after another was left or put back on the back-burner.
When I first came here to HW, about a year ago, I wrote often about the need to "have a sense of purpose" in life. I still feel very strongly about that.
Without offending anyone, I believe most of us reach a major decision time in our lives about "sense of purpose" by the time we reach our 40's! It certainly happened to my wife - and led to the divorce. And, it was in my 40's that I decided I didn't want anyone else (like a boss) to be in the position of determining my future - either growth or demise!
I trust what you're going thru is the frustration of not being where you either were once - or expected to be by now. We all have our own paths to find .... and i certainly hope that you find internal peace with where you are. You certainly are trying to improve your own situation in finding an acceptable "sense of purpose" in life.
Keep trying. It will come.
Peace and wellness
Rob & Gizmo