Good morning .......
Had a hard time getting up today - until Gizmo started barking ... and wouldn't stop until I did get up ... so he could go out!!!
AV ...... good for you to have a rest day. I think I understand the comfort of Mojo snuggling. I hate to admit it, but i sleep on the sofa. It's a typical sized one, but Gizmo finds a way of squeezing in there overnight - usually next to my legs. He's a good leg-warmer! And sometimes, in his sleep, he tries to kick my legs off the sofa - probably getting too warm for him with all that hair!
Michele ...... it could be the starter relay. If the engine "turns over", it's not with the starter - and the alternator might need to be checked. That can be checked without buying one first - at a parts store.
Either way, it's an expensive part - and either can be gotten rebuilt. Installing it can be pretty expensive too - so money could be saved there too.
UA ...... I am offended beyond belief ..... not!!!! Young lady, you're doing just what everyone else who isn't in the U.S. does. Football to the World is soccer. But here, soccer is soccer .... and football is a completely different game. The U.S. has a team that they're fielding in the World Cup (I think on Monday) - and they're probably not very good!
But football, as it's known in this country and Canada ... is much different. I understand Brazil is always good in the World Cup - but i know next to nothing else about what we call soccer.
It's been a confusing set of terms for a long time. My in-laws were from the Netherlands. Soccer is the only game called football there - and in so many other places in the world.
In American Football, Chicago and Detroit will have pretty good teams this year.
HT ....... .......... yowsa!!!!!
Karen ........ we do have two very good receivers on the Bears, but you do have the best wide receiver in football in Motor city. Megatron is Boss!!!!
Gizzy has gotten used to spending an hour or more outside every day. With his coat though, as soon as it gets into the high 80's or the humidity gets to 75% or beyond ...... he won't be outside for people and dog watching.
Actually - Michele - it gets more uncomfortable with heat here than it did in Clearwater, Florida. The highest I remember there was 94-degrees - but it's very warm and humid for 6-months there. Here, every year, it usually gets to 100-degrees once or twice - and when the humidity and temp are both in the mid-90's here ...... it's absolute YUK!
Gizzy could not take that kind of weather - outside.
Have a good Sunday
Rob & Gizmo