Good morning .........
The "planner" in me just thought of something. We're toward the end of this thread - and the party comments are probably going to be split between two threads. Oh well! If only ..... that was the biggest problem of the day!
Gizmo got me up at 1:22am to get him some water. I can't tell you what i told him - at 1:22am! Then ..... he started barking at just past 6am. I knew he wanted to go out - yeah - just had a bowlful of water 3-1/2 hours earlier. I also can't tell you what I told him at 6am.
I watched a few minutes of a local program called "You and me" ... and they were focusing on a NY story about the annual hot dog eating contest - and how gross it can be watching people stuffing kool-aid dipped hot dogs into the mouths. Only thing good was they were "Nathan" hot dogs! Yumm!
That gave me a few ideas. In a few minutes, I'm going to start a "holiday" thread having to do with food! And .......... should we not have some sort of a gross pig-out at the party???? It doesn't have to be too gross - or too pigish ...... but why not?
First, let me say I am sorry for the potential damage that could be done today in North Carolina as the first hurricane of the season passes by. As of 6am, it looked like it was going to head back Northeast into the Atlantic - instead of creeping up the New England coast.
Now - don't get mad at me. It's going to be up to 78-degrees here today - no rain expected - frankly one of the nicest 4th of July days we've ever had. It's usually hot and sticky here in early July.
Michele ........ did you call your insurance company?
UA ......... please ..... make sure that it's a helicopter!!@!!!
Karen ......... do you like the feeling of superiority of being taller than anyone else with those 7" heels?
Trina ......... any pig-out food ideas?
JB1 .......... you're not gonna ditch the party are you?
AV ........... please have some fun!!!!
See ya later - got a thread to start!
Rob & Gizmo