I've been off Celexa for 3 months. I thought I was "fine", so after taking it for 4 years, I weaned myself off it. The last 2 months have been hell. I've struggled with getting out of bed and going to work. I can't focus at work, can't make a decision, can't think straight. Can't clean my house, can't decide what to cook for dinner... Couldn't go to sleep until 3 a.m. and then would have to wake up at 6 and do it all over again. I kept saying how proud I was of myself for getting off the meds, blah blah blah thinking that all the feelings of "blackness" would go away.
Last night, my husband told me that for the past 2 months he would rather be at work than at home. He told me I was not the person he married (this is the first time he's seen me off meds). He said he loved me and had no intentions of leaving me, but he told me he couldn't take the moodiness, anger and crying anymore and something had to change. He slept on the couch....
On the way to work this morning, I called him to just say how sorry I was for everything and that I'm getting back on my meds TODAY. During the course of that conversation (he was coming down on me for some horrible things I said to him last night), I had a complete MELTDOWN. I couldn't stop crying, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. I have no idea how I'm sitting in my office at work right now. I have done nothing but stare at the computer and move papers around for 4 hours.
I guess I'm just venting....thanks for reading.