Good morning ........
A little story from yesterday ..... was at CVS picking up some things and got back into the car. Three spaces down from me was a young guy outside his car - looking at my car with a big smile on his face. I opened the window - and he said "Gizmo - your license plate"!!! He laughed and said "that's my dog name"! I said "that's my dogs name too"!
It turns out he had a Yorky in his back seat - and his name was Gizmo!!!! By the way - my license plate and my e-mail address both have Gizmo in them!!!! Yeah - I 'm not hiding from anyone!
UA ......... I am serious now. Have you ever played volleyball? My youngest daughter, who's about your height, never did!
Karen ......... "one less problem without you" are lyrics that could apply to a few people!
Jessica D ....... over 100? yuck!!!!
Michele ........ "farmers"? Anyone have a sprig of wheat hangin outa their mouth? You know that Geico commercial that talks about a spelling bee and then introduces a farmer that tries to spell C-O-W- ei-ei-o!!! And he says "dang it"!!! That farmer was me!!!!! It was a part-time job working for Geico! Didja like my coveralls?
AV ........ sorry for your family things. You've been there so many times. Saturday was my oldest daughters wedding anniversary. I have not heard a word from her since i gave her a check 8-days ago. So Saturday, I just said to myself "I'm so tired of this one-way street"! I did not call her ..... don't know what else to do - just tired of being used.
Geez ...... young lady ........ does that sound familiar?
JB1 .......... all quiet there in NY! Hope all is well with you.
I did talk to four people yesterday. After going from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon without talking to one person ...... it was badly needed! My youngest called - and I called three other friends. My youngest had a party at a local (for her) bar on the 4th for her new employees from work. Then they went over to her house with two dogs of the employees meeting my daughters dog. Sounds like fun for everyone.
My daughters (actually her BF's) dog, at 50-pounds, was the smallest! And Boomer (their dog) by the next morning had left a puddle under the kitchen table which is rare for him. He wanted everyone to know "this place is my place"!!!!!!
Have a good Monday
Rob & Gizmo