Brenda- are you talking about
being depressed for so long as being these last 5 months or longer?
Because I've been struggling since February... Never in my 43 yrs have I struggled this long. As I've said before, not all days have been rotten. There is almost always something good in the day but I too focus on my feelings a lot. My past hurts, random things even that I haven't thought about
in years... THAT is depression, not me, not you. Healing and favor ARE in our days to come. I decided last week to wake up in the morning and say "something good will happen today." And darn if it does (even when there are still yuck feelings). Depression makes us focus on the bad. To try and focus on good feelings is like swimming against a current- sometimes impossible feeling. BUT- we HAVE to do it anyway (try & focus on what good we see even if it is wiping our butt or brushing our teeth)!
Focusing on the negative feeds it. Just as focusing on the good feeds positivity. It takes as much energy to focus on what's bad as it does what's good. While we are healing with meds, we have to take baby steps to seeing or doing anything positive and recognize it- "well, I wiped my butt today, that's a great thing!"
As I'm typing this, I'm reminding myself too bc just like you, I obsess and fret & get very impatient. "You can't talk defeat and expect victory." I heard that this morning and thought of us. Easier says than done when we are wallowing in the muck but it's something we can take baby steps to start practicing every day, every hour, every minute- "I healing, I am getting better and better everyday, the rest of my life will be the best of my life." I have those sayings on notecards stuck to my bathroom mirror