Good morning Brenda. I have no doubt this will be taken care of today and you'll get your pills today. It's so frustrating, I know. It's not too early I don't think to make your rounds of calls again today. I'm glad your daughter is helping you. It sucks having to worry about
this !#*! when you're already rattled.
I'm generally upbeat & sarcastic (in a fun way, not mean to others way, mean to myself funny way lol).
I'm just as frustrated and scared and annoyed as you and all of that are starting to heal. I want to be better yesterday. I'm having more decent days/moments but I'm still on the edge of my seat anticipating the unknowns and the what ifs.
One thing I do know and that my therapists and husband (who isn't familiar with psych stuff), is that I HAVE to take action in this storm. I can't just sit around waiting for lightning to strike me, aka sitting and ruminating "how am I feeling?", "are my meds working?", "am I feeling a side effect?", yadda yadda.... Bc guess what, that's what I HAVE Been doing (ruminating) and not only does it not work, it makes me feel worse. Not having a job makes it trickier to stay busy but it's possible. I've been walking, visiting with neighbors, going to the grocery (GAWD!), etc just to get out and not focus on myself.
I'm currently at the hospital keeping my brother in law company allllll day so my sister can work. She's a physician and has missed a lot of work with her husbands struggles this summer. He has an auto immune disorder and complications are lung issues. He's got a collapsed lung so has chest tube in trying to re inflate his lung.
He nor my sister are on anti depressants or anti anxieties. I KNOW we CANNOT compare ourselves to others but I can't help but be a bit annoyed that they're going through so much and "dealing" & I have friends move away and freak the freak out. GAH!
So yeah........ Here I sit, tapping away on my phone in the hosp room, praying for him & all of us. And watching terrible tv. I don't care if brother in law has chest tubes, I will be getting my hands in the remote control. I refuse to be subjected to Rachel Ray this morning
But back to you Brenda, get on the horn. And report back when you get your meds